I drive a 1992 Lexus ES300. Also known as a 1992 Toyota Camry. It is nothing to write home about.
- It was recently scuffed up by my main man David Matthew Fiser.
- It dies when it is in reverse.
- The drivers side door doesn't lock. (Go ahead, steal it.)
- The back right speaker produces no sound.
Today I had to go to Superior Lexus to get a spare key made. 40 bones. Why so expensive? So this guy can get paid.

Your team.
(Sorry about the glare and camera phone quality.)
This "Superior Auto Mall" is filled with Johnson County Soccer Moms, North Face'd out, proudly sporting their '09 Lexus RX350. Probably enjoying a cliff bar and going home to organic sushi.
It makes me physically sick.
If I ever become one of them, run me over with a Hummer.
You should be majoring in Writing. Seriously
Don't hate the playa, hate the game. It's called capitalism, my friend.
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