I haven't been on Facebook for a week. This has proven to be a much more difficult task than I had thought.
I know what you are thinking.
Cameron, you are always on the Facebooks! What are you doing on the internet if you aren't on Facebook?Well cynical reader, I have been
- looking into vintage turntables.
- checkin' out sweet bikes.
- watching Arrested Development.
- learning about Google. (Check it out... http://www.google.com keyword search, keyword America Online)
If I were in 3rd grade right now, and my teacher wanted me to turn in all my assignments via gmail, or collaborate with my classmates via Facebook I would think the was the worst teacher ever.
This lady is talking about teaching through Google outside of school. That would be the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to an elementary school kid. Once I am done with school, I am done. If I were expected to check some google group discussing my class project on caves, I would hate school more than I would have previously.
I think that everything should come with age, and kids don't need email addresses or the responsibility of keeping up with technology until they feel like they are ready.
Unless they feel like they need a cell phone at the ripe old age of 9. Kids don't need a cell phone until high school.
Maybe I am 'old fashioned', but let kids be kids! Play in the dirt, build a tree house, loathe the opposite gender, make fart jokes, build forts, play video games, watch cartoons, eat chips, rebel, build legos, cry, watch fighting shows you aren't allowed to watch, read comic books.
Once I am a parent, I will want my kids to experience the childhood fun, but I want them to be able to discern what is right and wrong. I want them to experience rebellion, but only to the extent that they will get a rush from it, but know that I want what is best for them and rebelling is not best.
Who knows though, by the time I have kids there will probably be completely new temptations for kids that I will have no idea about. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
:end rant:

That baby is a gem. Match that with a little Ryan Adams vinyl and I will be one happy kid.
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