Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Things

Firstly- I am ready for the swine flu scare to be over. It is everywhere and nowhere.
  • 1 person? in America has died from it.
  • 36,000 people die a year from the real flu.
  • I had a bacon burger for lunch and I am fine.
Secondly- I started doing this whole twittering thing. It is fun, but I am still trying to find the real point. Follow me. Or don't. I could care less.

Thirdly- I have become obsessed with following the Invisible Children peaceful protest this week. I participated in their "The Rescue" event this weekend, and 1 city has yet to be rescued.

Chicago. It seems pretty convenient that
  • Obama and Oprah have 312 connections.
  • Chicago is a fun place to be in the spring.
  • It is relatively centrally located.
But I support their cause, planned or not. They did a big march in front of HARPO studios today, but have still yet to be rescued. So I will keep watching.


This song is hilarious/ridiculous but I like it. Listen here.

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