Today's post is going to sum up most of my summer.
Let's see if I even remember how to do this...
Alright folks, this summer was primarily spent at Camp War Eagle in Rogers Arkansas. It was truly incredible. I spent 100% of my days with kids and outside. Everything at camp revolves around the kids, and I love it for that reason. Also, everything is very open and in creation. I found this summer that is where I see God the most. In creation. God shows who He really is through other people. I spent all of my time with other people, so I saw a whole dang lot of who God is in them. And to top it all of I was in some of the most beautiful creation in America. Unfortunately, about 4 months ago my camera went missing, so I don't have a whole lot to show you "webbers". I did get a little disposable camera 6th session and I will have to upload some pictures at some point.
Music I'm digging on. Jordin Sparks- Battlefield. Jonas Brothers- Burnin' Up. Hannah Montana- Hoedown Throwdown. Matisyahu- One Day.
Books I enjoy. Hosea. It is great. I like it a lot, but I am going to have to do some reading and re-reading. Also I really want to start reading some classic literature. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Movies. I haven't watched any good movies lately. I just know I did not like Transformers 2. Talk about suckfest. I am however going to see 500 Days of Summer tonight. I'll report back later.
Nothing is on T.V. although I am going to commit to watching seasons 1 and 2 of Weeds this week with Zach.
I don't want to write anymore favorites and similar type things.
Lisa is in India. I have yet to actually talk to her. She did however leave me a message the other day on my home phone. Things are going well, but I am very anxious to actually talk to her, even if it is for only 3 minutes. But it sounds like things are going great and she is really enjoying herself. I miss her more than I could have imagined though.
Part of me wants to flash forward to December. But I am also really anxious to see how the separation goes and how God changes us.
But when it comes down to it I miss her like nobody's business.
In other news, I got an unlocked iPhone. Woot.
Since I don't know what you typically like to read genre-wise, these suggestions are all relative:
Fahrenheit 451 (A classic on censorship. And fire. Something I think a guy might like ;)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Dual personalities and "two guys"--ok, sexism stops now.)
I love the works of Plath and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. Also, a friend talked me into reading The Fountainhead over the summer. It's a commitment, but I feel like a better person for reading it. Finishing it, that is. The jury is still out on whether or not I am devoted to the content.
That's all I got for now. I don't know if you remember me from LSHS, but I just thought I better throw that out there. It's good to read a blog written by someone familiar for a change.
1. when did you start listening to Jonas Brothers????
2. does this mean you'll do Liz's cover of Burnin' Up at Icthus? if so let me know when and I'll be there.
3. Fahrenheit 451.. such a good book.
Um, did you forget you have a cousin who specializes in literature?? 18th England is the birthplace of the novel, and as such, is the perfect starting point! Or, I can recommed some American classics...just name your period, continent, and preferences, and I'll give you some ideas.
Glad to hear you had such a great time at camp!
iphone > everything
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