Thanksgiving 2009 just happened. 'Twas a very relaxing break, but I didn't do anything anywhere closely related to school. Blerg. Now the next two weeks of school are going to be filled with projects and finals preparation. I emailed my teachers to see if I can take finals early so I can go home a little early and see Lisa as soon as she arrives. I have been semi-successful thus far. 2 yeses and a no. Unfortunately the no means I will have to stick around most of Wednesday (the day Lisa returns). But I am still going to do my best to pull some charm out of my pockets and see about leaving earlier still.
Thanksgiving break, as I said earlier, was pretty bodacious. Hung out with old friends, new friends, family, friends families, etc. I think my favorite part was seeing my grandparents and playing ping-pong with them. They are late 60s and early 70s, but they can still whoop me in ping-pong. That may be that I am bad at the game, but I think I can usually hold my own but Grammy always finds a way to beat me. It's become a tradition since they got the table to have everyone play each other. It is tons of fun.
The food situation this year was ballin' as well. I believe we brined the turkey this year? I'm not entirely sure of what that entails, but it was scrumptious. Then of course we had rolls, casserole, stuffing and all that other good stuff. My Aunt from Oklahoma came in town too. Always good to see her!
We saw The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and that one country singer. It was pretty good. Definitely a Thanksgiving hit for the ol' box office. I have yet to see Fantastic Mr. Fox or The Road, but I am anxiously awaiting a day where I get to see them both. They look wonderful.
In other news, my great grandpa turned 92 today. Crazy. I can't imagine being alive for 72 more years.
I listened to Death Cab For Cutie's "The Photo Album" probably 7 times through on the drive back today. I freaking love that band. I will see them in the next year. That is a goal that will be met.
Okay, I can't write anymore of this because all I can think about is school and how I have so much to do. Next blog will be better. Promise.
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