Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Things

Firstly- I am ready for the swine flu scare to be over. It is everywhere and nowhere.
  • 1 person? in America has died from it.
  • 36,000 people die a year from the real flu.
  • I had a bacon burger for lunch and I am fine.
Secondly- I started doing this whole twittering thing. It is fun, but I am still trying to find the real point. Follow me. Or don't. I could care less.

Thirdly- I have become obsessed with following the Invisible Children peaceful protest this week. I participated in their "The Rescue" event this weekend, and 1 city has yet to be rescued.

Chicago. It seems pretty convenient that
  • Obama and Oprah have 312 connections.
  • Chicago is a fun place to be in the spring.
  • It is relatively centrally located.
But I support their cause, planned or not. They did a big march in front of HARPO studios today, but have still yet to be rescued. So I will keep watching.


This song is hilarious/ridiculous but I like it. Listen here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Sunday Rundown

Week two of The Sunday Rundown. If anything said in this is un-understandabe, I apologize. This can be directly blamed on last nights experience at The Rescue. It was well worth it, but I am exponentially exhausted.

What I'm listening to:

I have definitely still been listening to Bon Iver (recently found it is pronounced bone evair) but as for other new music... Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest. Tracks: Two Weeks, Cheerleader, and Foreground.

What I'm watching:

Earth was a very entertaining movie. James Earl Jones rules and says some pretty hilarious things. Along with some great shots of sweet aspects of nature. It may be taken directly from Planet Earth, but the way it was arranged was awesome.

The Office this week was hysterical and hopeful, which never really happens. Michael always seems to get screwed, but I was glad with the way this week turned out.

LOST was a recap, so I didn't waste my time.

30 Rock: I fell asleep watching, but it was probably funny.

I decided I didn't want to watch Parks and Recreation this week. Maybe I will later. I just wasn't in the mood this week, I guess.

YouTube- This video is funny. "What is oozing out of our ground?!"

What I'm reading: Jeff has been keeping a blog for a few years now, and I really enjoy reading what he's got to say. It's also great to go back and read past entries.

I started The Irresistible Revolution and it is in fact as good as everyone says. Read it.

Laura showed me this verse today at church. It really is wonderful.

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
Revelation 22:17

What I'm looking forward to: Breaking in my newly acquired Chacos! I have had them for a day now, and love them. The 1 continuous strap is genius.

Something God showed me this week: He shows me everything for a reason. Last week I said "He makes all things new." This week at church that was exactly what Tim talked about. It will be up on the Jacob's Well website soon. Go to "Sermon Audio" sometime this week and click the most recent sermon.

Something I realized: I have a pretty terrible case of spring fever. This past week I played catch 3 times, played disc golf twice, went to the park 4 times, and ate 1 30 ounce sandwich with David. I ate all 15 oz. while David failed. But failed with class.

Also, I suck at driving. I rear-ended someone and my car got rocked. My dad, being the best dad that he is, fixed it yesterday. The hood was pretty well bent up and now it is just bent up. The bumper on the other hand is never going to look pretty. But, my car does have some character now.

Highlight of the week: Tie.

Thursday night in general was great. Samson spoke at club. Lisa and I split a pint of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream from Andy's. We also ventured out on the roof of my house and watched some Arrested Development and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Saturday night was The Rescue for Invisible Children, and 700+ people gathered at Penn Valley Park in KC and protested against the Ugandan Genocide led by Joseph Kony. It was great to be a part of something that will hopefully grow to become national news and our leaders will hopefully do something about Africa's longest war, primarily being fought by children.

Also, this is my last post as a teenager. Finally, I can legitimately join the 20 Something Blogging community!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Celebrate. It's a beautiful day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


What if after I graduate, I were to just leave Missouri move somewhere?

I would save up enough money to live for 6 months or so until I find a steady job, and just go.

I have lived in Missouri my entire life and I have always wanted to explore what the world has to offer, and what better way to do so than by going to uncharted territory and living. Enjoy life, meet new people, and work in a bike shop, restaurant, or recording studio.

I want to be adventurous and live.

I would be okay with Portland, Oregon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Sunday Rundown

Hopefully this will become a weekly tradition. I still would like to have blogs outside of this "weekly update" thing, but this will be a staple. Something I will look forward to at the end of every week.

What I'm listening to:

Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago. Tracks: Skinny Love, Lump Sum, Re:Stacks.

This is good stuff. Way sweet sounds from good voices, great harmonies and cool instrumentation.

What I'm watching:

Well, I watched Fargo earlier this week. Kinda weird, but good nonetheless. I may have a Cohen brothers bias, though.

This was a good week in television. The 4 shows I watched were all up to par.

LOST- Some Like it Hoth was great. Before I thought Miles was a joke. I now have much more respect for him. Also, Hurley and his relationship is one of my favorite parts of the show right now.

The Office- Heavy Competition. Very funny episode. Andy was hilarious as always, and Dwight vs. Michael was hilarious. I still see the show ending after next season though.

30 Rock- Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Pretty good episode. I don't really remember hilarious parts per-se, but the Janis Joplin aka. Jackie Jormp-Jomp story doesn't get old.

Parks and Recreation- Canvassing. After 2 episodes I like it. Not as much as any of my other shows, but I'm gonna give it a chance.

YouTube- Going along with Bon Iver, the YouTube channel La Blogotheque has a ton of great performances from very cool groups. All shot by Vincent Moon. He is great.

What I'm reading:

My friend Erik's blog always has something interesting to say, watch, or listen to.

Another Bullshit Night In Suck City. I have been reading this most of the semester and I haven't had a ton of time to read, but it is a great read. It is a memoir by Nick Flynn who's got a deadbeat dad that abandons him at a young age and comes through the homeless shelter Nick is working at 30 years later.

I'm also planning on starting The Irresistible Revolution this week. Why I haven't read it yet, I don't know. But Hopefully it will be done by the start of summer.

Matthew 6:25-34 One of my favorite passages, that was brought up this morning in a sermon I listened to. It provides a ton of much needed hope.

What I'm looking forward to:

CAMP! 27 days. I found out recently that I will be working on the ropes course. I am beyond pumped for that.

Something God showed me this week:

He created all that is good. He made all things new. We were created to worship Him.

Blowing my mind.

Something I realized:

I need to buy light bulbs. My primary light fixture in my room is made to host 4 bulbs. (300 watts total). Right now I'm employing 75 watts.

Also, Lisa has been in Portland for the past few days. At the beginning of August she is leaving for India for 4 and a half months. I am going to miss her. A whole lot.

Highlight of the week:

Last night was pretty great. We had about 15 or 20 people over and smoked some hookah, played games, and had some great hang out time. A nearly perfect Saturday night.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kansas City Missouri Photo Enforcement Program

Can eat my shorts!

On March 29th, 2009 at 5:18 PM at the intersection of West 39th Street and Southwest Trafficway, White Lightning was caught red handed.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Driving to Jacobs Well one Sunday night with Lisa, I obviously ran a red light. I now owe Uncle Sam a Benjamin by the end of May.

What happened to being able to break the law and get away with it? Now everywhere I drive I am going to be scared Big Brother is going to catch me breaking the rules.

It reminds me of this episode of Arrested Development.
Gob kidnaps his dad and holds up a picture of Michael as he runs the red light. Michael then gets accused of both running the red light and kidnapping his father, a convict.

Image 4

Image 5

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bike Wreck

After 10 months of riding my bike pretty aggressively through traffic and such, today on the way to Philosophy I was hit by a car.

Because I am the one who was hit, I'm saying it is the dude in the Buick's fault. But it is probably just as much mine as his.

Here's the story folks.
I am riding West on Grand getting ready to turn right onto John Q. Hammons Parkway. The cars are stopped at the light, so like every other day, I pass them on the right and make sure none of them are turning by checking for turn signals.

The light turns green as I am passing the last 2 cars in line.

Today, no one was planning on turning right. That is to say, legally. (No turn signals were used). The second car in line decides to turn as I am passing him. He proceeds to side-swipe me and drive off.

This incident leaves me with a nice bent pair of handlebars, an out-of-true front wheel and a couple nice scrapes to show for it. My bike is still in working order, but this does give me another reason to look into new parts. :)

Here is a picture of my rigorous route.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vinyl Love

Monday, I bought a Pioneer PL-15D II on Ebay.

Holy smokes. I can see why my dad spent all of his money on vinyl in high school. Yesterday the player came, so I decided to check out the local record shop, Stick it in Your Ear. There I got 3 albums. The Shins'-Oh, Inverted World. Michael Jackson's-Thriller (original) and my personal favorite The Beatles' Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (original).

I am in love.