Saturday, December 13, 2008

my next post will not have anything to do with a movie

Well, the day has come. I have been 100% opposed to this since I first heard about it last year. It took a lot of convincing, but I saw it.

9:12 PM Lisa Dennis "Please go to twilight so we can make fun of it together."
9:13 PM Cameron Wiley ":) okay.. What time?"

Okay, so it didn't take a lot of convincing. The idea had been brought up the day before though, so I had a day to mull it over. Though eights of fourteens of reasons why I shouldn't see it came up, and only ones of twos as to why I should.
I saw it none the less.

I am not going to go as far to say that I liked the movie as a whole, I did enjoy parts though. 
Fight scenes were pretty ballin'. Fashion was great, aside from a few of Bella's shirts and boots. Let's just say I would not date her. Very book-wormy, weird, "I eat tofu cause I think it is cool" kind of girl. Forks Washington was pretty sweet. And best of all, the Cullen's house. Bankmoneyballersauce.

I feel like I have been way too positive so far. All of the things I listed above were only good on the technical side of the movie. Acting: suckfest. Every time Edward made that stupid face I couldn't help but think of the recent SNL Digital Short. Bella should not have "cool friends". That's all that needs to be said.

Who's team am I on? Jaspers team. Hands down. Definitely the most awkward character slash in a perfect world he is totally going to tear in to Bella. He will eat her up.

I know what you are thinking, "Cameron, you thought the movie was cool, are you going to read the books? They are sooo much better." My answer to that? "HECKS NAH!"

I will however see the other movies.
On a side note: if someone can find me a grey coat similar to that of Edward's, I would be very appreciative.

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