Wednesday, December 24, 2008

untitled Christmas blog

I am down to my last 5 m&m's. Green, yellow, yellow, blue, blue.

These will last.

I didn't realize I would be in the sweetest Best Western ever on Christmas eve, so I didn't even think to bring my swimming suit to Oklahoma. If I had that everything would be different right about now. I would be soakin' it up in a hot tub with my soul mate. Or maybe with my 5 m&m's.

I spent most of the day in a car today, and I am okay with that. 
  • I don't get car sick.
  • I had a great playlist going.
  • My great-grandpa kept me company.
  • I worked on a second ankle warmer.
We arrived in Chickasha, Oklahoma at 6 at night, only to find my brother leaning over a toilet, puking some kind of nasty. He is okay, just not feeling too great. So we ate some pork roast while he slept in the bathroom. He sleeps with his eyes half-open too. That is creepy.

I am down to 4. Green, yellow, yellow, blue.

I spent some time with the family after dinner then head out to Best Western room 114. Christmas Eve at its finest.

But hey, at least we have a place to stay. My aunt has a house full of her kids and granddaughters. So I am glad to be in an "Inn" (for christmas wit purposes).

This past Sunday at Jacob's Well the pastor talked about Joseph's role in Jesus' birth. He really brought up some great points I hadn't thought much about. I suggest taking a listen once they put it on their website.

Green, yellow, blue.

The hotel is essentially empty. I think I could get away with some Christmas Morning skinny dipping. :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't tell a lie

I was supposed to write a blog about how much fun I didn't have tonight.

It is too bad that I had a great night and can't muster up the courage to tell a lie.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Total BFF

Yesterday I got to spend some quality time with my good friend, Colin. It was so good to reconnect with him after a few months apart.

There are friendships that get weird over time because some people change so much that it is nearly impossible to find a commonplace with them. A place where you can really connect.

Colin has changed what he does, but not who he is. I respect that. More than I can really say.

1996- I meet Colin in our third grade class. We hang out and blow stuff up and jump out of swings with moon shoes on. We would also freeze his sister's Barbies.

2001- Colin gets into the art scene. Mainly drawing if I remember correctly. He also discovers chainmail. This takes up most of his life. He also begins to ride one of these bad boys.

2003- Still into skateboards. Not as much chainmail. A whole lot more art. For some reason a memory of this game sticks out in my mind.

2005- We go to different schools now. He begins to get awesome at Pole Vaulting. He gets even better at art. Specifically graffiti stuff.

2007- Both Colin and I graduate high school. We hang out a ton. He goes to APU on an art and pole vaulting scholarship.

2008- After knowing the kid for 12 years (maybe more) I can honestly say that he is a true friend. I couldn't say enough about him to do him justice.

I visited him over spring break this year out in LA and had the best week of my life. We beached. We camped. We biked. We Hollywooded.

He is currently really into fixed gear bikes. He got me into them too, and I love it.
And to think, I didn't even begin to talk about him hitting me in the face with a shovel...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I learned to knit. Kinda. I made an ankle warmer.

Ballin to the max.

Finals are done. I just have to present something tomorrow that I made in my media class. It is basically a glorified photo album.

My cousin Courtney is having another baby girl. I will now have 5 total cousins. Family reunions are pretty uneventful.

Christmas break is gonna be fun. I love Kansas City.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

my next post will not have anything to do with a movie

Well, the day has come. I have been 100% opposed to this since I first heard about it last year. It took a lot of convincing, but I saw it.

9:12 PM Lisa Dennis "Please go to twilight so we can make fun of it together."
9:13 PM Cameron Wiley ":) okay.. What time?"

Okay, so it didn't take a lot of convincing. The idea had been brought up the day before though, so I had a day to mull it over. Though eights of fourteens of reasons why I shouldn't see it came up, and only ones of twos as to why I should.
I saw it none the less.

I am not going to go as far to say that I liked the movie as a whole, I did enjoy parts though. 
Fight scenes were pretty ballin'. Fashion was great, aside from a few of Bella's shirts and boots. Let's just say I would not date her. Very book-wormy, weird, "I eat tofu cause I think it is cool" kind of girl. Forks Washington was pretty sweet. And best of all, the Cullen's house. Bankmoneyballersauce.

I feel like I have been way too positive so far. All of the things I listed above were only good on the technical side of the movie. Acting: suckfest. Every time Edward made that stupid face I couldn't help but think of the recent SNL Digital Short. Bella should not have "cool friends". That's all that needs to be said.

Who's team am I on? Jaspers team. Hands down. Definitely the most awkward character slash in a perfect world he is totally going to tear in to Bella. He will eat her up.

I know what you are thinking, "Cameron, you thought the movie was cool, are you going to read the books? They are sooo much better." My answer to that? "HECKS NAH!"

I will however see the other movies.
On a side note: if someone can find me a grey coat similar to that of Edward's, I would be very appreciative.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

indie movies suck

I am at work from 4:30 until 11 today. Today's event is an "indie film festival". I hate that it is called that. I know there are people here because it is called "indie film festival". They could care less what movies are playing. The movies are supposed to be good, too. They are called: In Bruges, Brick, and I'm Not There. I am not in a movie watching mood. Especially not an indie movie.

I watched Eagle vs. Shark over the past few days through Netflix on my computer. (Which it rules now that it is Mac compatible.) But it sucked. 2 and a half stars. Tops.

I'm gonna go get paid to poop now.